The Trash and Treasure Sale is held every April and is operated by the Museum Guild, a group of volunteers who help plan fundraisers. Donations for the sale are collected once a month (the final Saturday). Accepted items include furniture, decor, select electronics, toys, and linens. Contact the museum for a full list of accepted items. Proceeds from the sale go towards funding the museum's general operations.
Since the museum opened in 1982, the Heritage Quilt Guild of McMinn County hosts our Annual Quilt Show each October. This month-long juried exhibit showcases more than 100 quilts from regional quilters. Winners in multiple categories are awarded cash prices. If you are interested in entering a quilt or want to join the Heritage Quilt Guild, contact the group here.
Our second annual fundraiser is Holiday House, which is held each November. This live and silent auction is accompanied by a buffet dinner and bake sale. Donations for the auction are accepted year round through the Museum Guild. Proceeds from Holiday House go towards funding the museum's general operations.